Fluent Pro G

For High End, Critical Lubricating oil Applications like Cement, Wind Mill and many more critical Gear boxes

Model Selection

Model No.Tank Capacity Lit
Pro 3G 375
Pro 6G 750
Pro 10G 1250
Pro 20G 2500
Pro 40G 5000
Pro 60G 7500
Pro 80G 10000

Quality Guarantee:

Particulate < NAS 6 (ISO 17/15/12) Note 3

Suggested to use dedicated for desired tank capacity for achieving almost “maintenance free” Fluent Gear Box Operation. Higher capacity models are available on request.

Key Features

• Lubricating Oil up to 320 cst.
• Highest quality.
• Faster than nearest competition.
• Stainless Steel Housing.
• Trolley Mounted.
• With Smart Controller (IOT enabled controller available).
• Suitable for Mineral, Synthetic Oils, etc.
• Optional Heaters provision.

Note 1: Quality Testing Available with Particle counter for selected applications (Generally on patch or mg/lit).

Note 2: High Filter life with Vats Lucida G2D Filters.

Note 3: Recommended Input quality < NAS 12, if not use coarse filter or change oil.

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