Posi-Lock Pullers - Mechanical and Hydraulic

Mechanical Pullers

Order NoCap.JawBolt Dia.ReachSpreadWeight
PT202 1 2 7,9 57,0 82,6 0,3
PT203 2 2 9,4 76,2 127,0 0,5
PT204 2 2 12,7 102,0 127,0 1,4
PT206 6 2 15,8 152,0 178,0 3,2
PT208 12 2 19,0 203,0 305,0 5,0
PT210 14 2 19,0 246,0 281,0 6,4
PT213 25 2 28,5 305,0 457,0 13,6
PT216 35 2 32,0 356,0 635,0 22,7
PT102 1 3 7,9 57,0 82,6 0,3
PT103 2 3 9,4 76,2 114,3 0,6
PT104 5 3 12,7 102,0 127,0 1,8
PT106 10 3 15,8 152,0 178,0 3,6
PT108 17 3 19,0 203,0 305,0 5,9
PT110 20 3 19,0 246,0 381,0 8,2
PT113 30 3 28,5 305,0 457,0 18,1
PT116 40 3 32,0 356,0 635,0 29,5

Optional Accessories - Long Jaws*


Order No.ReachSpread
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
249/406 401/506
PT11054L 406 508
PT11354L 508 762
PT11654L 660 965
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
201/406 401/559
PT11054L 406 559
PT11354L 508 762
PT11654L 660 965

* Long jaws must be ordered in the quantity required. For example, order two PT11054 for the PT208.

Hydraulic Pullers (Incl. Cylinder)

Order NoCap.CylinderJawReachSpreadWeight
PTHPB-206 5 C55C 2 152,4 203,2 5,4
PTHPB-208 10 C106C 2 203,0 305,0 12,3
PTHPB-210 15 C1510C 2 254,0 381,0 17,2
PTHPB-213 25 C2514C 2 305,0 457,0 34,0
PTHPB-216 50 C5513C 2 356,0 635,0 60,3
PTHPB-106 5 C59C 3 152.5 203.2 6,4
PTHPB-108 10 C106C 3 203.0 305.0 13.6
PTHPB-110 15 C1510C 3 254.0 381.0 18.1
PTHPB-113 25 C2514C 3 305.0 457.0 38.6
PTHPB-116 50 C5513C 3 356.0 635 61.2

Optional Accessories - Long Jaws*


Order No.ReachSpread
- - -
249/406 401/559
PTPH11054L 406 559
PT11364L 508 782
PTPH-21654L 660 965
- - -
249/406 401/559
PTPH11054L 406 559
PT11354L 508 762
PTPH11654L - -

* Long jaws must be ordered in the quantity required. For example, order three PT11054 for the PTPHB-108.

Posi-Lock Hydraulic Bundles & Accessories

Hydraulic Bundles (Incl. Hand or Electric Pump)


Power Team offers a comprehensive line of turnkey Posi-Lock® hydraulic two and three-jaw puller sets.

2-Jaw3-JawCap.CylinderPump Gauge Hose T Adapter
Order No.Order No.S.TonsIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
PTPHC-206E PTPHC-106E 5 C55C P19L 9040E 9756E 9670
PTPHC-208E PTPHC-108E 10 C106C P19L 9040E 9756E 9670
PTPHC-210E PTPHC-110E 15 C1510C P59L 9040E 9756E 9670
PTPHC-213E PTPHC-113E 25 C2514C P159 9040E 9756E 9670
PTPHC-216E PTPHC-116E 50 C5513C P460 9040E 9756E 9670
2-Jaw3-JawCap.CylinderPump Gauge Hose T Adapter
Order No.Order No.S.TonsIncludedIncludedIncludedIncludedIncluded
PTPHD-206-E220 PTPHD-106-E220 5 C55C PE172-E220 9040E 9758E 9670
PTPHD-208-E220 PTPHD-108-E220 10 C106C PE172-E220 9040E 9758E 9670
PTPHD-210-E220 PTPHD-110-E220 5 C1510C PE172-E220 9040E 9758E 9670
PTPHD-213-E220 PTPHD-113-E220 5 C2514C PE172-E220 9040E 9758E 9670
PTPHD-216-E220 PTPHD-116-E220 5 C5513C PE172-E220 9040E 9758E 9670

* Also available in E110

Puller Accessories


Power Team offers accessories to compliment your puller. These accessories conveniently store, transport and position your hydraulic pullers to maximize your productivity

Order No.
Storage Transport Cart
Puller No*
PTPT-2550 PTPHB-213
PTPT-2550 PTPHB-216
PTPT-2550 PTPHB-113
PTPT-2550 PTPHB-116

* Pullers not included

Note: Accessories only for models shown above.

Know More: https://www.spxflow.com/en/power-team/pc-pullers/

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